Hi! Crofters!
Since I have been doing a lot dishcloth angel; I thought I
should see what was out there for dishcloths and other kitchen items. I was not
the interested in pot holders because I use mitts.
Again, I am going to say this is an advanced book; because the
crochet stitches are at the end along with the abbreviations and yarn
information. I also am not sure if this is the way crocheting book from another
country are done.
So, let me get to the book information the title is “Crochet
for the Kitchen” by Tove Fevang published by Trafalgar Square in 2013 as
published in Norway in 2012.

There are six Chapters starting with Chapter one titled “Natural
Delights”; Chapter two titled “ Blue for
Pleasure”; Chapter three “Color Joy”; Chapter four titled “Traditional”;
Chapter five titled “Modern”; Chapter Contrasts”.
I am going to list just a few I was interested in starting
with “Spiral Potholder”; “Hexagonal Potholder in Multi-colored Pastels”; and “Potholder
with Ruffled Edging”. Yes, I know what I said about potholders. On page 40
titled “ Purple Flower”; on page 75 titled “Classic Placemat”; and on page 83
titled “Potholder in Back and Front Post Double Crochet”.
I hope you like the ones I picked and it gives you an idea of
what in the book. Again, the book end
with Crochet stitches, abbreviations and yarn information along with the
writers website at Tovefevang.com. I need to check that website out.
Share your ideas on this or anything here on the blog either
here or e-mail me at sandi_tipple@yahoo.com. I look forward to hearing from you!
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