Friday, May 4, 2012

Blog Series-----Gifts for Educators: Introduction

The school year is winding down and ending in a month here in Texas and it is coming up on the annual Teacher Appreciation week. So, I was thinking what to get or make this year for Scott’s teachers. They have always been good to him, especially the Paraprofessionals, over the years. Paraprofessionals don’t get the pay, credit or support they should as both Kevin and I know very well.  Kevin and I were degreed Paraprofessionals for the PISD and were paid less than a third of what a teacher made.

So, when you are contemplating gifts for the teachers, don’t forget the nurses, librarians, counselors, paraprofessionals, and other support professionals that make up the support network around your child.

You may wish to include other parents to express your appreciation.  When I was a Para in Special Education in a Middle School, one of our parents set up a deal with other parents for a once a month lunch catered by the parents. This was a very big way to say thank you and one we all appreciated very much.

If you are looking to do a more one-on-one type of thing, I hope the upcoming blogs will be of help to you. I’m going to separate the upcoming blogs into multi parts so you can pick and choose as appropriate for your situation.  Part 1 you can make something, Part 2 your child can help make something, and Part 3 will be purchased gift suggestions.
Regardless of what you come up with it is a good idea to be creative with the containers.  Baskets are always nice, but educators can use storage boxes and crates to store things and organized. Look at the kitchen or bathroom area in your store for some ingenious ideas.

Two book ideas:
Gourmet gifts : 100 delicious dishes for every occasion to make yourself and wrap with style Add to My List by Dinah Corley. The recipes range from simple to sophisticated and include information on key topics such as presentation, level of difficulty, prep time, and suitability for storing and/or shipping. As it happens, Kevin recently reviewed this book in detail on his “Kevin’s Corner” blog at:

From kids with love: gifts preschoolers can make and give Add to List  by Janis, Hill.  The title pretty much says it all about this good book.

More to come in part one of this series…….

I true appreciate the comments and thoughts of readers. Share your ideas on this or anything here on the blog either here or e-mail me at  I look forward to hearing from you!


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