Thursday, January 15, 2015

Help Adult reorganize for the New Year

Some are upcycling and all are projects using sewing machine.

Ties Scissor Holder

Materials:  2 vintage neckties in coordinating prints, 1 clothes hanger from the dry cleaners – the type with a paper tube across the bottom,     fabric scissors, seam ripper, iron, sewing machine, thread in colors that coordinate with your ties, solid colored scrap fabric that matches your ties, fine-tipped permanent marker, pinking shears, fabric glue, twine

Remove the paper tube from the hanger, and set aside the wire part of the hanger to use in another project. Paint the paper tube at this point or leave it off white.
Cut the fat ends of your neckties off; so,that you have two 10″ long pieces of tie.
Depending on how your ties are constructed. Try to stick your hand into the tie. If you can, then you can skip this step. If the tie is sewn closed down its length, you’ll need to use your seam ripper to open it up, then re-sew it the open sides closed again, right sides in. Flip your tie right side out, and you’re all set. Repeat with the other tie, if necessary. You can discard any interfacing that was inside of the tie when you cut it.
It’s time to finish the bottoms of your scissor holders! Tuck the unfinished flat edges under by 1/2″, iron, pin, and use coordinating thread to sew that opening closed.
Time to make your labels! With your pinking shears, cut out two pieces of the light colored scrap fabric those are 2″ X 1″. Use the permanent marker to write “paper” on one and “fabric” on the other in your best handwriting. This was easiest if you taped the fabric to the table to keep it from moving.
Use your fabric glue to stick the labels to each tie.
The ties are going to hang from the cardboard tube you rescued from that hanger. To attach them, place your tie on top of the tube and wrap the pointy-sticky-uppy-bit at the top around the tube, pinning that flap to the back of the tie. Repeat with the other tie, then sew those loops closed right where you pinned. You want to back stitch a bunch of times to make this really secure, since this is going to bear the weight of your scissors.
Once they’re sewn, slide your tie holders back onto the cardboard tube, and use your serrated knife to cut the tube down to a size that looks good with them both on there. The, cut yourself a 20″ piece of twine; slide the twine through the cardboard tube, tie the loose ends in a knot, and you’re ready to hang! If you want, you can hide the knot by working it into the tube.

Manicure Travel Kit

Materials:  30 cm elastic, large button, Printed cotton fabric, Cotton batting, Felt, Cotton thread, Pen, Ruler, Computer paper

Cut the following rectangles from computer paper to use as patterns; 19 cm x 14 cm (base)19 cm x 10 cm (pocket)16 cm x 9 cm (flap)
Trace 2 base pattern pieces and 1 pocket pattern piece onto cotton. Do not cut on line. Cut 1.5 cm outside the line.
Trace 1 flap piece onto felt and cut out on the line. Trace 1 base piece onto cotton batting and cut out on the line.  You will now have 3 cotton pieces, 1 felt piece and 1 batting piece.
Place one base piece on a table, patterned side down. Place batting piece on top. Fold edges over. Baste with a loose running stitch. Turnover.
Sew elastic to the underside of batting to form a loop. Iron pocket piece by folding fabric back along lines.
Place pocket piece patterned side up on your batting and cotton base piece.
Pin around outside edge of pocket and baste with a loose running stitch, leaving the top edge open. Mark the following intervals along pocket with a ruler and pin;5 cm, 2 cm, 2 cm, 3 cm, 3 cm. Now sew along pocket intervals with a machine or a small back stitch by hand, removing basting as you go.
Place your manicure tools into the pockets. Mark with a pin how deep into the pocket you would like them to sit. Sew. Remove tools.
Take your other cotton base piece and embellish with beads or embroidery.
Baste the felt flap piece to the top of your base piece.
Iron your other base piece by folding fabric back along lines. Baste the other base piece onto the back of your base and pocket piece. Working on the pocket side, carefully sew around all four sides by machine or a small back stitch by hand. Remove basting stitches and iron flat.
Sew on button.

Twenty Minute Tote

Materials: 1/2- yard of Outside Oslo Fabric, 2 yards of 1-inch cotton webbing to compliment your fabric., Cotton thread to match your fabric, Cotton thread to contrast with the inside of the bag

Cut two 16 inch tall by 14-inch wide panels from the fabric. Make sure the pattern is going the correct direction on both panels.
Cut two 22 1/2-inch long pieces from the webbing.
Pin the handle pieces to the top raw edge of the right side of each panel 3-inches from the sides. The raw edges of the handles should match up with the raw edge of the top of the panel so the handles will be facing down as shown in the picture above. Make sure the handles aren't twisted.
Using the contrasting thread sew a zig zag stitch across the top edge, sewing the handle to the top edge in the process.
This zig zag stitch should be right at the edge of the fabric as shown above.
Turn the panels so their wrong sides are facing up. Press and pin their top edges with the handles down 1 1/2-inches
Make sure to pin the handle so it's perpendicular to the horizontal sides.
Sew this fold down with the matching thread a 1/4 inch from to top edge and then with a second seam 1/4-inch from the bottom zig zag stitch.
The handle will now be attached and the top hem sewn down on both panels. You're now ready to sew the bag together.
Pin the panels right sides together and sew along the sides and bottom 1/2-inch from the raw edges using the matching thread. Back stitch at the beginning and end of each seam.
Snip off the bottom corners.
Using the contrasting thread zig sag stitch along the raw edges of the sides and bottom of the bag.
Make sure to stitch right along the edge to contain the threads from the raw edges.
Turn the bag right sides out press the corners.

Share your ideas on this or anything here on the blog either here or e-mail me at  I look forward to hearing from you!

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